Create A Life You Love
My Story —
I have come into being a self-expression of my essence and as an expert in this field of Ageless Mind, Body, Spirit Transformational makeover, I am teaching people to do the same.
“Body, mind & spirit are the essence of coming into a deeper understanding of ones own true being.” My inner journey has led me to discover my direction and passions. My story is about breaking through personal fears, releasing and letting go of things that no longer served me. Which led me to now BE-come the complete self-expression of my own true essence. Thus enabling me to apply my expertise teaching about Self Love.
What is the most fulfilling to see, is a shift in perception that creates the transformational makeover.” Let go, abandon safety, don’t be just satisfied, trust!
“We were created in Love, Light and Beauty so let’s BE it.”
What I Do —
I work groups and individuals to develop an extraordinary life. I guide you on a Transformational Makeover for your Mind, Body and Spirit, together we go on a inner journey of self-discovery of who you are, what you desire and guide you how to get there.
Are you ready for your Mind, Body, Spirit Transformational Makeover? A free and beautiful life is near.
Inspiration is only a click away...

Real People Real Passion: Inspiring Stories of People Who are Making a Difference in the World!
My Book — This book tells the story of nine (9) people who made choices in their lives to do what they love. There was a feeling in them that was compelling. They knew that they had to make a choice and they took a risk. As you will see their starting point was very different from where they ended up. By taking that risk they were able to follow their inner calling. The same possibility is available to each of us. All we have to do is look inside to find our passion.
Are you ready for your Mind, Body, Spirit Transformational Makeover? A free and beautiful life is near.
Inspiration is only a click away...

A Life You Deserve. Freedom.
Live Your Life Fully — Are you looking for truth, freedom, empowerment, self love, sensuality, happiness and love?
Then you will definitely want to connect with me. Let me walk your journey with you and your audience! Transform your Mind, Body and Spirit Today!
To begin your Ageless Beauty Transformational Makeover journey email Linda at linda@lindasummerslife.com for your Discovery Session to your Mind, Body Spirit Transformation so you can TAP IN, TUNE IN & BE TURNED ON to your Truth!
To Hire Linda Summers for your Radio and TV Shows, email linda@lindasummerslife.com
Join Me On An Ageless Beauty Transformatonal Makeover!